Hood View Adventist School offers a state-certified preschool program for children ages 3-5.
Preschoolers learn best in a secure environment where they are free to develop in their own time, without pressure or fear. We strive to offer a balanced approach that looks at the child's whole development. This includes a balance of student exploration, play, and teacher guided activities and instruction.
Our preschool has a close working relationship with our kindergarten teacher to ensure students are developing the skills needed to be ready for kindergarten.
Hood View Adventist School is a Christian school. Preschool students participate in prayer, sing Bible songs, learn memory verses and listen to Bible stories.
In addition, students engage in regular music and art classes.
Specific objectives include:
Writing/Fine Motor Development:
Learn how to hold crayons, pencils and scissors correctly
Cut and past
Trace vertical and horizontal lines
Draw simple shapes
trace ABC pages and name pages
Count to 30
Identify numbers 0-30
Recognize shapes and colors
Sort by shape, size, and color
Complete simple patterns
Use simple mathematical terms like long/short, big/little, heavy light etc.
Identify letters and beginning sounds
Listen to a story and enjoy being read to
Retell familiear stories and tell stories about experiences
Holds book correctly
Recognizes rhymes
Gross Motor Development:
Hop on on foot
Climb up and down stairs
Walk Backwards
Throw, catch, kick, and bounce a ball
Social Skills
Follows rules and directions
Cleans up after themselves
Can button and zip own clothes
Uses the bathroom without assistance
Cares about others feelings