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End of the Year Giving
The generosity of donors plays a critical role in helping Hood View Adventist School fulfill its mission. Would you please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Hood View Adventist School? The school has an ongoing need to raise money for our Tuition Assistance/Student Scholarship Fund. You can make a donation by clicking on the "Make a Gift" button to the right. 
Student Scholarship Fund
As our highest priority, HVAS assists our students in developing a saving relationship with Jesus. We are Devoted to Christ, Committed to Education, and Called to Community. HVAS is a school, but it is also a mission--a mission that needs your support to allow as many students who desire a Christian education to attend as possible. Would you prayerfully consider a contribution to our Student Scholarship Fund? To make a gift please click on the button to the right. 
Capital Improvement Fund

The school has been blessed with the generous donations to remodel much of the school. There is still a need upgrade HVAC in a portion of the building, to repair or replace roofing, to upgrade the kitchen, and to re-landscape the front of the school. To make a gift please click on the button to the right.

Planned Giving

Make a lasting legacy by including Hood View Adventist School in your will or trust. This can be facilitated through the Oregon Conference's Trust Department. Click here for more information. 


Janet Blackwood-Knapp



Sheryl Luthi

Business Manager


26505 SE Kelso Road

Boring, OR 97009


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